California Ants: A Quick Reference

In your California house, ants may have started to appear more frequently recently. This is because these insects have suddenly grown to be a serious problem throughout California. While some people might not be scared by it, others would find it to be absolutely horrifying. So why do you worry about a potential infestation? This article will go over the different ant species that may be found in California as well as what to do if there is an infestation.

What harm may ants do to your house? 

What kind of harm could ants cause to your home? is one of the questions we get asked the most. In a nutshell, a lot.

First of all, ants can damage your possessions. They can bite through everything, including metal, glass, and wood, which explains why. The damage they can cause to your fence, deck, or other wooden structures on your property will therefore vary depending on the species. In addition, ants can contaminate your food in different ways. This is due to the fact that they will surely encounter trash and other filthy sites on their route to your house. This is hazardous since it makes it possible for insects and pathogens to contaminate your food. Last but not least, ants may always be an annoyance. Unexpectedly, these pests have a keen sense of smell that enables them to find any leftover meal remnants. If you have an ant infestation, you should prepare to live with other pests, such as cockroaches, spiders, rats, and more, who depend on ants for food. 

Ants That Commonly Infest Homes

The pleasant atmosphere and lush surroundings of California are ideal for ant growth. This is true, and it’s also the reason ants will want to enter your home in quest of food, water, and a place to stay. The ant species that are most likely to infest your home are these ones: 

Argentine Ants

In the Golden State, Argentine ants are a common nuisance. They are only a little over 1/8 of an inch long. Their silky bodies come in a variety of brown tones. The worker density of Argentine ant colonies is high. They build their nests underground, out of sight under rocks, logs, or other obstructions. To establish themselves, they’ll look for hidden spaces like furniture drawers, cracks in walls, or other hidden areas. One of these insects can be crushed to create a musty odor that can be used to find them in your house. Argentine ants eat almost anything that falls to the ground since they like meat, sweet foods, and other insects. If you want to get rid of Argentine ants, get rid of the grass and plants around your house, seal up any gaps, and keep all sweet things in airtight containers. 

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are among the worst ants in the state of California. These beetles are either black or dark brown and range in length from 3/8 to 1/2 of an inch. Carpenter ants hollow out wood to utilize as nesting material, so if they aren’t controlled, they can seriously harm your property. Carpenter ants will build their nests inside of thriving trees if given the chance. If not, they will pick a dead tree or stump outside. Once they are inside your house, they are free to settle anywhere they want.

Carpenter ants, if unchecked, can harm a building’s interior structure just as much as termites can. Boric acid can be used to kill insects and close up any openings, while dish soap and scented oils can be used to get rid of scent trails. 

Robber Ants

Grease ants, sometimes known as thief ants, are small insects. They are around 1/625 of an inch in size. They obtained their name by stealing food from other ants’ nests and bringing it back to their own. Thief ants usually have no waist and are pale brown or yellow in color. Their bellies are a richer color than the rest of their bodies. At the very tip of their abdomens, a little stinger may be seen. Up to 300,000 individuals can live in one of the thief ant colonies. In a single colony, several queens can live side by side. Each queen is capable of laying up to forty eggs every day. The eggs hatch into larvae after two weeks. The larvae must go through a number of phases before they can start looking for food as adults. This species is frequently mistaken for pharaoh ants due to its size and persistent search for food. It is required to investigate all locations where thieving ants have recently been found (including locations near other ant nests), install bait stations in order to find the colony’s origin, and then eliminate the colony. You can take the necessary step after you find the nest. 

Still Having Ant Problems? 

If all DIY alternatives have been tried and failed, you might want to choose our ant control services. Due to the fact that they have been working in California for more than 60 years, we are confident that our exterminators will be able to handle any issue you may have.